Free Of...

What are we FREE OF, well since you are curious...

For my children, living free started with their births, having an all natural drug free birth was just the beginning....Organic mattress, organic cotton blankets, towels and clothes, chemical free lotions, shampoos...on and on it goes.

We strive to live free, and when I say free I mean-
Organic and chemical free,
formaldehyde free,
paraben free,
petroleum free,
aluminum free,
preservative free,
BPA free,
PABA free,
sulfate free,
hormone free,
free range,

...the list goes on.

Before having kids, we were healthy people, trying to make healthy choices, we ate organic foods and shopped at the local farmers markets. Then, with the birth of my first child a whole new movement for started for me, as it does for many moms, wanting the safest and purest for your baby is somewhat of an awakening to how much out there is bad for us.

A committed organic lifestyle for our family led my husband to start an organic produce distribution company, if interested, you can read more about that here, it's called Growers Organic.

As I spend more time on this blog and more thought on how we are growingupfree, such as free will, free time, free play, and others I will elaborate more.

What about you? How do you live free? I would love to hear and maybe add it to my list...