Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Family Manifesto

Happy New Year!!

It's a new year and I thought it was a perfect time to share with you my family manifesto. I was inspired by Isabel Kallman from her website called  I loved her version so much I set out to create my own.

I started by thinking about the things I tell the kids and just making a list. I
filled it with what is important to us, how we live, what we say to each other.

Live Organic started out as Eat Organic but then I felt that did not cover it all, as we try to do more than just eat organic. Like shopping at our neighborhood grocery store and being careful about cleaning products.

Come together Tuesdays nights is our family hang out night, with close friends and extended family. We look forward to it, when Monday blues roll around we find new excitement that the next day we see our friends!

Bathe every night...that is a big one at our house. No one goes to bed dirty!! Oh, do we believe that we need to wash off the dirt, pollution and germs from the day...and then sleep well.

When all is crazy and the break downs are happening, we turn on music and dance, dance, dance around and boy does that work...we laugh and have fun and forget why we were all fussing just moments earlier.

Take Care of Each Other is said everyday, as I try hard to instill a sense of brotherly and sisterly love. Sometimes that love comes naturally and other times it needs to be encouraged, right?

Then, Kiss Kiss, is what we say to each other every night before bed, followed by the real thing!

The manifesto was fun to work on but certainly does not cover it all. Even now as I write this post I realize what is missing...such as something spiritual, something about love, and something about commitments.
Since there could always be more, I will just say,  I love it and the best part in putting it together was making it concrete, and seeing what is real and true to our family.

May this give you inspiration on New Years Day!


  1. I love your new blog, Rach! My wise and lovely friend! - Val

  2. I have the exact feelings about our Christmas tree Rach!
    Since I was a little girl like Coco, I have always loved Christmas time and that love never fades even at my age...
    Wonderful pics!


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