Monday, January 24, 2011

Yammy Chocolate Muffins

Yes, I did mean "yammy"~

On my pursuit to find healthy or, I would be happy with just healthier snacks that the kids want to eat I decided to try what a lot of moms have been up to lately.  Jessica Seinfeld has a successful cookbook or two about sneaking in the veggies.   Hidden vegetable purees, a secret never told to the kids, or good luck getting them to try the next creation!

So, I saw on facebook a friend was making chocolate muffins with chocolate cake mix and pumpkin puree. I thought I would try it, except I did not have pumpkin- sweet potato is close enough right?

Here's how it went over-

Went well for the most part... Then the 7 year old came home.  At first he saw those chocolate muffins and was so excited...but then-

Well, I agreed with him actually. They did not taste that great.  So, later in the week I will try again with pumpkin.  I will let you know if those yams were the problem... In the meantime I will feed the yammy chocolate muffins to the younger two who think they are actually yummy!


  1. That face says it all!! That's such a cute picture of Tovrea. I have a recipe for "sneaky muffins" but you grate the veg (sweet potato and zucchini) -- would that ruin the sneak for your kids? I'll find it and email it to you anyway -- they are good!

  2. thanks Melissa, can't wait to try your recipe!

  3. I make an awesome chocolate cake that use pumpkin puree and i sold it at my bakery and it was a hit! i'm going to post the recipe soon! good job though on trying it out - too many people not doing it and serving their kids just the chocolate muffin for a "nutritious snack!"


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